I, Dr Ian Dutton, General Manager - Marine Resources in the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania (the Department), acting pursuant to a delegation from the Secretary, hereby revoke the determination made pursuant to rule 108 of the Fisheries (Rock Lobster) Rules 2022 (the Rules) in the Notice – Non-commercial Fishing Report, dated 19 September 2023 and published in the Gazette on 27 September 2023 with immediate effect, and I hereby determine pursuant to rule 108 of the Rules that from 00:01 hours on Saturday 2 December 2023 non-commercial fishers are to report to the Secretary the details of rock lobster taken, or rock lobster fishing undertaken as specified in the schedules 1-3 to this notice:

Schedule 1

  1. 1) The details to be included in the report by the holder of a recreational fishing licence (the fisher) are a catch report which records;
  1. i) The date that the fishing was undertaken;
  1. ii) The fishing method used to take the rock lobster;
  1. iii) The general location where fishing occurred;
  1. iv) How many rock lobsters were kept (even if 0); and
  1. v) How many rock lobsters were released (even if 0).

Schedule 2

  1. 1) The circumstances in which the report is to be made is on each day of fishing for rock lobster by diving, fishing by setting a rock lobster ring, or retrieving a set rock lobster pot and the catch report must be completed before the fisher leaves the immediate proximity of the point of landing.

Schedule 3

  1. 1) The method by which the report is to be made is;
  1. a) By the holder of a recreational fishing licence making their own report or by​ having a report completed on their behalf using the Fishing Tas App;
  1. i) To report catch on behalf of someone else, a non-commercial fisher must be 18 years of age or above; and
  1. ii) Be responsible for ensuring that all the provided information is true and correc​t;
  1. b) Using the reporting service approved under section 98 of the Rules.

If, temporarily, a person is unable to make the report due to circumstances beyond their control, by maintaining a record in writing of the details as set out schedule 1(1) and making the report in accordance with (3)(a) or 3(b) at the first reasonable opportunity to do so.

Fishing Tas App means the software application that leverages the capabilities of iPhone (iOS) and Android smartphone or tablet devices to enable users to submit fishing reports required by this notice, via a secure Web Service or API to the server-side database held and maintained by the Department.

Point of landing means the location where the fisher first returns to land following a rock lobster fishing activity.

Unless otherwise defined in this notice, words and expressions used in this notice have the same meaning as in the Living Marine Resources Management Act 1995 and the Fisheries (Rock Lobster) Rules 2022. 

Dated:   6  October 2023 ​

Dr Ian Dutton

General Manager - Marine Resources


This information does not form part of the notice.

This notice introduces mandatory reporting of recreational fishing effort for the recreational rock lobster fishery. For more information go to  www.fishing.tas.gov.au or contact the Wild Fisheries Management Branch NRE Tas 1300 720 647 or0476 782 042 or fishing.enquiries@nre.tas.gov.au.

Department of Natural Resources and Environment - modified: 6 October 2023, expires: 31 December 2033